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Elon Musk to launch Tesla Scooter in India.

Tesla Electric Scooter is going to be the first product of Tesla to be designed for India and made-in-India. Tesla’s light-weight, low cost electric vehicle is just what one needs as Tesla's first designed-for-India vehicle - a game changer for Tesla, India and the environment. 

Elon Musk to launch Tesla Scooter in India.

why is Tesla doing it?

auto-pilot, cost of car, manufacturing setup, battery needs, win-win, and dignity. Even if Tesla comes out with a fully-autonomous vehicle, this is the road traffic in India that a Tesla car will have to adapt too. Now there are no rules here, anybody is going anywhere. Look where this car is going. Where is this auto-driver thinking he is going! What do you think, where is this bus going? Isn't it supposed to be the wrong direction!!  You get my point If Tesla's fully autonomous cars come to India, on these roads. and if they follow all the traffic rules while the rest of the traffic doesn't even follow any traffic rules whats over. HECK!!

 Most of these people do not even know the traffic rules. So a fully autonomous Tesla car on Indian  roads will be stationary because to move it will have to break one traffic rule or another. Because the whole traffic will be doing the same. It will be at least 10 years before Tesla can drive in this kind of madness completely on autopilot. If you don't believe me, just tweet Elon Musk and ask..!! So business model 1 of Tesla, to have auto no mouscars in India is at least 10 years away. To fill in this 10 year gap, electric scooters make perfect sense. The scooters give freedom to Indian people to drive wherever they want. Well, almost wherever they want! Tesla price leaves no choice To break the castle of those of you who think Tesla is going to be the leading car seller in India.

I want you to have a look at this: average American earns … that’s 63000 dollars, that's a lot for an Indian. An average Indian earns: let's divide an American average income by 10. even less! Okay. Let's divide it by 20 even more Less Okay...The correct answer is: an average American earns 37 times more than an average Indian annually, $1,670.Think about it this way. An average American earns in a month that an average Indian earns in three years. By that very metrics, Tesla cars will not be number one selling car in India for at least 10 years; when Tesla will have the ability to manufacture really low priced cars. And that is if Tesla ever plans to manufacture such low price cars, even in 10 year's time. I don't know. I mean, I don't know.

Elon Musk to launch Tesla Scooter in India.

Why don't you tweet Elon Musk and ask, if he's ever going to compete at 2,200 price point? Manufacturing Headaches India has myriad of manufacturing headaches waiting for any company. Inconsistent policies, poor infrastructure, inefficient bureaucracy, multiplicity of departments and slow core procedures, make a big manufacturing investment like Gigabot, a bigger risk than most companies are willing to take. For this reason most companies start small in India, understand the local political environment and bureaucratic system then expand rather than going all out how Tesla did in Germany and China. That’s why Tesla is going to dip its feet in Indian waters with a smaller investment to manufacture electric scooters first, get the hang of the local system before going full scale. Makes sense?

Elon Musk to launch Tesla Scooter in India.

 less battery, more vehicles For manufacturing, a single model Y car, 75 kilowatt hours of battery is needed. Whereas for manufacturing one electric scooter only 500 watt hour battery is needed. You could make 150 electric scooters for one model Y battery. And a Model Y sells for 42,000 US dollars. An electric scooter sells for 750 US dollars. If you were to sell electric scooters instead of model Y, you will end up with 112,500 USD instead of 42,000 for the car. That is making70,500 USD more profit for the same amount of battery. Sharing is caring.

 Instead of selling scooters in India, Tesla could experiment with scooter sharing service, which is much more profitable. Average Indian spends 16% of their income on transportation. Calculating just for the top 10 cities of India: they have 62 million people and total spend on transportation = 43 billion. 59.4% of all trips are less than six kilometers.25,756,143,842 USD or almost $26 billion market is only before Tesla scooters in India from just 10 cities. And there are 4,000 cities in India. Even if the electric scooter is shared between10 people in a day, that's a maximum of 6 million scooters required for all the secities. About an investment of $6 billion, giving turnover of $26 billion per year.

Most electric scooters easily have a profit margin of 70%.Even if we choose to earn 25% as profit, really for the benefit of people, that's $8 billion of profit annually from one time investment of 6 billion dollars. Double Win Both India and Tesla are winning in this case. Tesla's electric scooter is in best interest of India as India's import bill will go down. Not only Tesla's profit will be $8 billion, India will save more than $10 billion on its oil import bill. And that is where Tesla's electric scooter with a sharing program will be fully supported by the government and bureaucracy in India.

Triple Win Tesla's electric scooter is more than a double win. Actually more than two parties win by Tesla's electric scooter. The environment wins the most. Why? Because now a 30 kg vehicle carries a 80 kg person rather than a 2000 kg model .Imagine if you take 66 trips instead of one in the same amount of energy or if 66 people could take a trip instead of one? All that electricity used in transporting an extra 2000 kg in a car adds up to the transportation cost. Tesla's electric scooter is 66 times more efficient than model Y and very suitable for the price sensitive Indian market. The biggest winner certainly is the environment which will thank Tesla a zillion times for coming out with an electric scooter. And that's in line with Tesla's mission. Tesla's mission is to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy. The dignified argument. If you look closely at Tesla: the company logo; you will find this....I know what you are thinking. That’s an electric scooter. And if you don't believe me, just tweet Elon Musk and confirm.

 One of the limiting factors for Tesla is the battery production capacity. That is the reason why Tesla is unable to come up with the Semi. By solving the transportation problem of people with less amount of batteries, actually Tesla will have more batteries available for the Semi. Probably they will start the production faster. Tell in the comments what do you think: Is Tesla electric scooter idea, the best idea Tesla ever had? Are you excited about Tesla's scooter? What features would you want in Tesla's electric scooter? I hope you like this video and if you did, share it with Elon Musk fans, including me. And if you want more videos like this, subscribe and press that notification icon. This is Sagar signing off. Keep yourself electrified.

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